




Some concepts about a game we are currently working on

RubyRocket, games

Advertising and product website for a local carpentry

Website for a carpentry
Web, web

Our Entry for the BBQ Game Jam 2018

HotPoolParty, HotPoolParty

Rock Shader
Julian_P, misc

Ceramic Shader
Julian_P, misc

Stone Shader
Julian_P, misc

Metal Shader
Julian_P, misc

Rock Shader
Julian_P, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

During my master I had the task to implement a self learning AI

Self learning AI test
Max_T, games

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

Jenseits der Brandung
Dennis_E, misc

(Maximilian Taeuffenbach) Realization during my activity for the SSA SoftSolutions GmbH

product website for Lumion 3D
Max_T, Web

During a master project I had the task to implement a self learning AI

Self learning AI test
Max_T, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

Soundtrack from Frostfang

Soundtrack (Dynamic Music System)
frostfang, Tobi_W, games

Soundtrack from Frostfang

Soundtrack (Sad)
frostfang, Tobi_W, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

A skill smith enables the player to create his own set of skills

vr, Frostfang, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

Soundtrack from Frostfang

Soundtrack (Happy)
frostfang, Tobi_W, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

Soundtrack from our game jam game 'Dead Blues Walking'

Soundtrack Jazz Theme
dbw, Tobi_W, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

Soundtrack from Frostfang

Soundtrack (Cult)
frostfang, Tobi_W, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

Soundtrack from Frostfang

Soundtrack (Battletheme)
frostfang, Tobi_W, games

A classic hack'n slay with new and innovative features

vr, Frostfang, games

Soundtrack from Frostfang

Soundtrack (Angry)
frostfang, Tobi_W, games

Frostfang Icons
frostfang, Dennis_E, games

Soundtrack from Frostfang

Soundtrack (Through the Cave)
frostfang, Tobi_W, games

Some concepts about a game we are currently working on

RubyRocket, games

Northernfire shows the user various aspects of the northern lights within a VR environment

Julian_P, vr

The tangible interaction menu enables the user to solve simple tasks within an AR environment

TIM (Tangible Interaction Menu)
Julian_P, vr

3D In-Air Gesture Enhancement for Mobile Devices

Max_T, misc

scavenger, Anika_S, games

(Maximilian Taeuffenbach) Realization during my activity for the SSA SoftSolutions GmbH

Advertising website for Lumion 3D
Max_T, Web

Tense Lighting
Anika_S, games

Anika_S, misc

Sad Lighting
Anika_S, games

Happy Lighting
Anika_S, games

California Taco Bellies
Dennis_E, web

California Taco Bellies
Dennis_E, web

California Taco Bellies
Dennis_E, web

California Taco Bellies
Dennis_E, web

Drawing orchid
Anika_S, misc

Drawing leopardus
Anika_S, misc

Rendering racing car
Anika_S, misc

Concept monster
Anika_S, misc

Brosche of Alexios
Anika_S, misc

(Maximilian Taeuffenbach) Realization during my activity for the SSA SoftSolutions GmbH

Product website for TrustedDataBim
Max_T, Web

Drawing lynx
Anika_S, misc

Concept monster
Anika_S, misc

Ink drawing skull
Anika_S, misc

Anika_S, misc

Golddrop concept
Anika_S, misc

3D model
Anika_S, misc

Drawing ferret
Anika_S, misc

(Maximilian Taeuffenbach) Realization during my activity for the SSA SoftSolutions GmbH

Product website for TraceRunner
Max_T, Web

A cooperative VR+PC prototype with interactive Storytelling

vr, Scavenger, games

A cooperative VR+PC prototype with interactive Storytelling

vr, Scavenger, games

A cooperative VR+PC prototype with interactive Storytelling

vr, Scavenger, games

A cooperative VR+PC prototype with interactive Storytelling

vr, Scavenger, games

A cooperative VR+PC prototype with interactive Storytelling

vr, Scavenger, games

(Maximilian Taeuffenbach) Realization during my activity for the SSA SoftSolutions GmbH

Product website for TrustedData
Max_T, Web

A grayscale concept drawing

Concept Art
Patrick_H, misc

A grayscale concept drawing

Concept Art
Patrick_H, misc

A grayscale concept drawing

Concept Art
Patrick_H, misc

A portal to rent or let empty space.

Renting space with YouStow
Max_T, Web

(Maximilian Taeuffenbach) Realization during my activity for the SSA SoftSolutions GmbH

SoftSolutions Homepage
Max_T, Web

Geschichten aus dem Grandhotel
Dennis_E, misc

Geschichten aus dem Grandhotel
Dennis_E, misc

Geschichten aus dem Grandhotel
Dennis_E, misc

Dennis_E, misc