
Allgäu GameDev 07


On 25.4 we were in Kempten for the second time at the outstanding Allgäu GameDev lecture series of the Allgäu Digital. But this time we did not sit in the audience, but were invited as speakers to report to the students from the long, difficult road to their own gamestudio.


Global GameJam 2019


Hey ho good people,
This weekend it was time again. After the BBQ Jam 2018 in Munich and the Rocket-Beans Mobile Jam 2018 have already challenged us, we have joined the Global Games Jam 2019.


BBQ Gamejame in Munich


On September 8th 2018 we Wildfüchse participated in our first game jam as a team. Although but 5 of us foxes were present we were all the more eager!

At the BBQ GameJam hosted by Bavaria / Games were many developers and artists from southern germany and a lot of familiar faces.

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Gaming with Handicap - Survey


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